Shiranui, also known as Shinni or Amaterasu, is a character of Ōkami. He was a wolf during 100 years ago during saving Kamiki village in Ōkami. Shiranui is a wolf that saved kamiki village with white fur, red marking with white inside of his ears of Shiranui. And his paws are black. No eyebrows and Shiranui has brown eyes, black nose, normal wolf mouth and a color red markings on his chest. It's a male wolf (DuRiNg AmAtErAsU's Of ShIrAnUi Is A pAsT iNcArNaTiOn ThEn WiLl SaY sHiRaNuI iS fEmAlE. Shiranui was much more powerful than Amaterasu.
In the original playstation version, Shiranui's sex remains unstated. However as Amaterasu is based off the Shinto Sun Goddess and Shiranui is a past incarnation of Amaterasu, it is said that Shiranui is a girl or Shiranui is female.
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